What do you mean by only in ‘It’s only natural that’?

That’s only natural to have our children around.

Should I remove only from the sentence?

How much time do you have to spend with your children?

What does “only” mean? Is there any way to rewrite a sentence and save the meaning it conveys?

I’d love to have examples. How do I process

your questions in advance?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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2 Answer(s)

Where “Only” (and in some instances “just”) may be used as an accent… “However” What follows is less extreme, less significant, less unusual, or less unusual than you might expect. What happened

if my car wouldn’t start and I was not running out of gas?

When using only “only” implies that I expected the problem would be serious, but it turned out to be minor. It should be explained through java. At this

moment, she is missing out on a great bakery, so no one offers her a lunch. But she is making a trip to the same location again and again. How can she stop and buy other goodies and cake from her favorite bakery?

How should one consider something more important, she would be expected to buy more than just pastries.

To avoid confusion about why Buddhist thought is permanent, not always.

Here there is an expectation that Buddhist philosophy might be complicated, so the “only” reminds the reader that it actually is based on a simple philosophy.

In your example, “only” implies less extreme. Parents, while it’s expected that parents will care about their children, some people might still think it’s unusual. If “only” helps reassure their parents that their concern is reasonable,

why do they never ask about “only”?

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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In the sentence that you quote, “only” is an adverb modifying ‘natural’.. meaning less than…? If I say that it is normal to worry about my children, I mean that it is not neurotic, excessive or overprotective, and that the feeling is reasonable and to be expected. I will say $10,000 if I repair my car if I left it for 20 plus years again on a clean surface and I pay a $255. I refuse. If I do it 10 less years later, is this fair to me? Cambridge dictionary gives this definition: “used to show that something is limited to not more than, or is not nothing other than, the people, things, amount, or activity stated. ” The dictionary actually gives you a quote in a sentence “, An example of this usage is listed below. If you removed ‘only’ from that, you would be removing the assertion that there is nothing excessive in worrying about your children, and simply saying that it is normal.

Only (Cambridge Dictionary)

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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