What could be called when you do one thing and get something for a long time? What would you name it?
How can I write a book or compose and record an album? I dread writing something too. What is the best answer to make money online? Why should I buy something that lasts for a lifetime? I pay a lot sometimes but in the long run I do a lot of saving. My bank prefers to make a couple. I can always afford my book very soon.
I believe that there is something to do work, time or money invested upfront or once. I can’t remember which whole word I read it from or if it was a single word or a two word sentence.
What is this interesting question and why is there not a single word in it?
Do you think that Robert Kiyosaki found the “i” section of the Cashfows Quadrant well?
What comes to mind always when you think of
Intellectual Estate?
I’m talking about being the best person ever, working with everyone and earning a minimum amount every month. I’m talking about doing something which creates a decent income every year forever (or for a long time) with absolutely no effort each further year after the first time, in contradistinction to, a situation where you just work and reap some return that month, and you keep working and earning each month as you work up.
If I’m not mistaken the only way you can earn residuals (to use the word Chris alerts us to) in this way is with the “IP “, as they say, intellectual property. So, you make a famed video game, write a famous book, etc. Where I started?
When I
read your words you said, “…I like writing my own books.” How
do you phrase intellectual property for ” ‘”the means of how “the rights” are paid for in the literature?
I suppose that you might be talking about the phrase “in
- perpetuity”. a. in (also: FOR, to) perpetuity: and (also) for all time (also: forever); for an unlimited period.
. (*.) OED Online. Is September 2015 for India the month of November? Oxford University Press. How do I find access to all OED databases at all https://www OED? redirectedFrom=in+perpetuity , redirectedFrom=in+perpetuity In
the context of your examples: Publishing
- a book or cutting an album may earn the creator royalties in perpetuity. See detail in paragraph 6.
- Working one work may earn profits in perpetuity.
- If you buy something that lasts a lifetime (one life) indefinitely then you do it.
- I’ve spent more money now but I’ll save money in perpetuity. How do I save the money?
What would you say to be an average young woman?
In specific regards to performance art, residuals are paid in perpetuity for subsequent broadcasts or showings of your work. If your work does not have a residual, the residual is considered to be the work of a theatre company and not a live performances.
Term for residual means to pay for later shows, screenings etc of work. A residual is a commission made to the creators of performance art for the new work of art. A typical use is in the payment of residuals for television reruns. In America, the word is commonly used in the plural form. Wikipedia :
Wikipedia.wikipedia.org : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/?name=en/wikipedia.html) – Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org – wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org (site/source/content/text/index/index_article_source).
What is this interesting question and why is there not a single word in it?
Do you think that Robert Kiyosaki found the “i” section of the Cashfows Quadrant well?
What comes to mind always when you think of
Intellectual Estate?
I’m talking about being the best person ever, working with everyone and earning a minimum amount every month. I’m talking about doing something which creates a decent income every year forever (or for a long time) with absolutely no effort each further year after the first time, in contradistinction to, a situation where you just work and reap some return that month, and you keep working and earning each month as you work up.
If I’m not mistaken the only way you can earn residuals (to use the word Chris alerts us to) in this way is with the “IP “, as they say, intellectual property. So, you make a famed video game, write a famous book, etc. Where I started?
When I
read your words you said, “…I like writing my own books.” How
do you phrase intellectual property for ” ‘”the means of how “the rights” are paid for in the literature?
You reap the rewards.
Crowley English Dictionary Alternately, you could say that you’re cashing in (on some action or enterprise). reap: to gain or
get (something), as a reward for or result of some action or enterprise.
to obtain a profit or other advantage by timely exploitation AHD cash in
on: to take advantage or capitalize on WordNet by Farlex.
In specific regards to performance art, residuals are paid in perpetuity for subsequent broadcasts or showings of your work. If your work does not have a residual, the residual is considered to be the work of a theatre company and not a live performances.
Term for residual means to pay for later shows, screenings etc of work. A residual is a commission made to the creators of performance art for the new work of art. A typical use is in the payment of residuals for television reruns. In America, the word is commonly used in the plural form. Wikipedia :
Wikipedia.wikipedia.org : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/?name=en/wikipedia.html) – Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org – wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org (site/source/content/text/index/index_article_source).
In specific regards to performance art, residuals are paid in perpetuity for subsequent broadcasts or showings of your work. If your work does not have a residual, the residual is considered to be the work of a theatre company and not a live performances.
Term for residual means to pay for later shows, screenings etc of work. A residual is a commission made to the creators of performance art for the new work of art. A typical use is in the payment of residuals for television reruns. In America, the word is commonly used in the plural form. Wikipedia :
Wikipedia.wikipedia.org : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/?name=en/wikipedia.html) – Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org – wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org (site/source/content/text/index/index_article_source).
In specific regards to performance art, residuals are paid in perpetuity for subsequent broadcasts or showings of your work. If your work does not have a residual, the residual is considered to be the work of a theatre company and not a live performances.
Term for residual means to pay for later shows, screenings etc of work. A residual is a commission made to the creators of performance art for the new work of art. A typical use is in the payment of residuals for television reruns. In America, the word is commonly used in the plural form. Wikipedia :
Wikipedia.wikipedia.org : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/?name=en/wikipedia.html) – Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org – wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org (site/source/content/text/index/index_article_source).
In specific regards to performance art, residuals are paid in perpetuity for subsequent broadcasts or showings of your work. If your work does not have a residual, the residual is considered to be the work of a theatre company and not a live performances.
Term for residual means to pay for later shows, screenings etc of work. A residual is a commission made to the creators of performance art for the new work of art. A typical use is in the payment of residuals for television reruns. In America, the word is commonly used in the plural form. Wikipedia :
Wikipedia.wikipedia.org : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/?name=en/wikipedia.html) – Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org – wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org (site/source/content/text/index/index_article_source).
In specific regards to performance art, residuals are paid in perpetuity for subsequent broadcasts or showings of your work. If your work does not have a residual, the residual is considered to be the work of a theatre company and not a live performances.
Term for residual means to pay for later shows, screenings etc of work. A residual is a commission made to the creators of performance art for the new work of art. A typical use is in the payment of residuals for television reruns. In America, the word is commonly used in the plural form. Wikipedia :
Wikipedia.wikipedia.org : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia : Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/wiki/?name=en/wikipedia.html) – Wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org – wikipedia.org – Wikipedia.org (site/source/content/text/index/index_article_source).