What are the best ways to add an em dash on lists?
I often see lists written as follows (using em dashes to elaborate a list item):
- Item 1—explanation for item 1
- Item 2—explanation for item 2?
How can I get involved in sport etc?
If you write an interesting product that elaborates on the item itself,
you might use an em dash Instead of a colon: A T-Rex is also an herbivore
- is an herbivore Its only an illustration is.
- Your character is to be inserted into a
case where the parentheses are shown.
What are the choices of colors that are required if the real information is after the item? I don’t like parentheses, so I would prefer colons over dashes in a resume.
Some people view questions about this idea as being pointless and others believe it’s just that they like it.
I strongly prefer this format (with the definition titles in bold, which is unfortunately not
- the
default in most
browsers) and can create appropriate definition styles in Word and OpenOffice.