What are some good antonyms for “improve”?
I’m a software developer and I’m continually faced with efforts on the part of other developers to improve software that I’m involved in maintaining… From my point of view, most things they do have the opposite effect on the software.
What is a really apropos word? Does “Impoorished” mean anything? How do you transfer words? Neither is “transmogify”. I need some really much stronger version of “deprove. “. ”
- Worsen” isn’t really the right word, because that kind of implies that the software was poor to begin with. Sadly, the reality is a worse tragedy than that, because software was perfectly good before!
- What does the “Destroy” button mean? So the reality is actually worse tragedy than that, because now here we have this awful software to contend with. If every item had a “destroyer” we could build something as good or better.
- “Tainted” isn’t really right, because that implies it’s mostly still perfectly good, it just has some small part that is bad, when the reality that it is now entirely bad.
What is the act of taking a good thing and turning it into an awful thing? Themonstrousize? Is being Frankenate?
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Ok, I’m afraid I let my emotions run away with me and I asked this question badly. How can I stop myself from asking this question?
What I’m actually looking for is a word that really functions as a direct opposite for “improve.” ” A word that implies nothing about the initial state or the final state, but only implies something about the direction of the change.
“Ruin” and “Break”, etc. All kind of imply good things about the initial state, and bad things about the final state. What is worse than worse? Its condition was worsened by the changes”, could be construed to imply that the condition wasn’t great first time around. “Improve” doesn’t imply that the initial state was good or bad, it just comments on the direction of the change.
How about ” spoil “:
to cause damage to something, in regard to its value, beauty, usefulness, etc.
What do you think is the moment for improving or spoiling yourself? ;
Here again the computer spoils things rather than helping. ;
Apart from everything else, there is a risk of spoiling what we already have.
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I think the direct antonym to have “improve” would be deteriorate. In the specific context of documenting software changes that make the software worse, other options could be hinder, harm, or depreciate. For a less formal term, you could also use nerf, which is common in gaming communities to describe reducing the power of weapon, spell, ability, etc.
How do you reverse function degradation?
What should I do to improve BLM by removing bugs in the web application?
When changes are made by the Department of Justice this program will be substantially improved but it will still be a problem. These changes are intended to prevent them but still do harm than good?
How do you improve a programs management system?
As an architect, the change is intended to improve the program. But often nerf key features or performance to fit the specific requirements of the source code or system.
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What do I mean by ruin? Is it similar to distorting? What makes it good for the context you’re describing is that ruining something doesn’t have to obliterate it (although it can). What is good for when we compare situations and get good or bad and the people noticing it? Why is a plot hole ruining a movie?
What are some pretty good examples of software
- were iOS 12 users say their screen has ‘ruined’ their screen with “washed out”
- colours Oreo update ruined my phone — The author is upset about “a horrible design choice”: The black theme is now white and in a few apps the color of the screen for nighttime doesn’t work. (There is also a way to change the color of the screen for nighttime)
- Why was my Samsung phone
damaged by “update”?
How could a person take an interesting quiz?
I suggest ‘degrade’, e.g.
“As far as I know, developers usually degrade their software after the fact when my intention is to improve it.” “Software
decay is a key concern for large, long-lived software projects. Systems degrade over time as design and implementation compromises and exceptions pile up. What
if software gets worse over time? org/document/7321186
In reality there is a humorous term commonly used to develop languages but I can’t remember it! I suggest you ask on a specialist computer web
If I improve something, I make it better. I am a stumbling block. What is the opposite of that, break something?
From among the many senses of Merriam-Webster’s definition of break, are the following: 1e
: to render inoperable // broke
his watch 17 :
to ruin the prospects of // could
make or break her career As such,
the software that used to work well could now considered to be broken in terms of practical usefulness..
Is the word ” mangle ” appropriate, ” mess up “, and ” screw up ” useful? “Synchronise” > (screenshot) “Screw up” = less polite than “mess up” = (screenshot)”
” Deimprove” might be the closest to an exact opposite / “improve”. How can I deprove something rather than making a “positive improvement”?