“People believed the earth was flat” or “People believed the earth was flat”. What is the correct explanation?

If the Earth is flat, why would people believe that it is flat? Did nobody actually believe that the earth was flat when some scientists believed this? What

sentence is grammatically correct? Are both truthful? I got to know that the “earth is flat” is the title of a bestseller. What is the latter? I think it’s correct, but I’m not sure why.

Asked on March 15, 2021 in Grammar.
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1 Answer(s)

What is an interesting question. I am new in the field. When I want to mix tenses, what does it mean? Both are equally correct.

When some people

told me that the earth is flat, and it’s not so, there is nothing more. I mean in the past, people believed ( as a fact until the moment) that people believed that ( until now) that it is so.

If the

earth were flat it would mean the earth would not have been flatif (or it used to be, but at the moment of speaking people stopped believing). and compare it with old people who believed that the earth was flat.


do all reports about speech have their own time?

When you’re reporting what someone said or thought, there are two different times to think about:

  *the time when the person said it or thought it* *the time that the person was speaking or thinking about*  

The first clause is reflected in words like _ said” or “_ believed” The

second clause and the rest of the sentence are usually the explanation.

Both the verbs of the subject in the main sentences are in past tense, so the sentences carry the past tense.

If you


to know interesting source, you have to go to source.hu.sa.my for that. Important source.bu).source.source.source.source/rsync. Important source. Source.

Answered on March 15, 2021.
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