“to complete X to Y” OR “into Y” OR both wrong.

In an English sentence if I finish something and the object gets transformed into something else during this process, can this be expressed in English by a subject similar to the following one?

I’ve completed my plan to a solution to something. What is into or to correct or does the formula not work at


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2 Answer(s)

“Completed into” and “completed to” are grammatically incorrect. The verb “complete” takes the form “X completes Y.”

We are looking for something like “I have turned my plan into a solution…”.

Answered on March 3, 2021.
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I have no idea why neither formulation sounds correct to my ears. What is the problem with ‘completed’. What is the best, alternative and an effective plan?

I want to expand my plan to a Solution to the problem.

(The plan was insufficient, perhaps because it was too’small’, and you have enlarged it enough so that it is now a solution to the problem.) I

developed my plan into a solution.

What would you do if your system had changed?

Is the plan solution a solution/solution to any problem?

As you can see and as you said, when an object (the plan) is transformed by some process (developing, modifying, and so on), the correct particle is into. (to

be used for visualization purposes only)

Answered on March 3, 2021.
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