The idea among entrepreneurs was to protect the potential for social change from being widely spread. They might keep knowledge of its potential to effect social change from being widely disseminated.

I want to be named as the best to write the new question on GRE question 1 in this article. If the test tookr becomes a film critic, there

will be some people who feel that the influence of television is depressing: Those who fearthe influence deliberately ____ its persuasive power may not disseminate their ideas, hoping they might keep knowledge of its potential to effect social change from being widely disseminated.

  • When
  • I
  • read
  • a
  • sentence

in English like “promote underplay excuse laud underplay suspect” I don’t understand the structure and meaning of this bold part of the sentence. Could you explain it for me?

How is it called in the world?

Asked on March 10, 2021 in Other.
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2 Answer(s)

This sentence is tricky to read. What is the reason people (who

fear the influence of television) deliberately ____ its persuasive power, hoping that they might keep knowledge (of its potential to effect social change) from being widely disseminated?

Why? Because they deliberately ____ its power, hoping that they

might keep knowledge from being widely disseminated.

What is the meaning of “they”: why does “they” and “my” don’t say the same thing precisely, because it doesn’t say who “they” are nor is it trying

to suppress, but it illustrates parsing. What does it mean?

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Do this people really care about people realizing TV has the ability to change society and don’t want these people to know what is happening?

How can the statement be reworded: What does one

that fear the influence of television do to keep knowledge of its potential effects from being widely disseminated?

So, you would be looking for a word that will not cause people to learn the power of television.

Whats the possible proposal for TV advertising?

  • promote; but exclude – Promoting power of TV would certainly not keep the knowledge of its ability to change the world from spreading from? On the other hand, the opposite effect is obtained.
  • Why can’t underplay the power of a video match with promote?
  • Why TV have so much power?
  • laud – This is a synonym or ‘praise’, so it is similar to ‘promote’, and wouldn’t fit for the same reasons.
  • Suspect – The people are already convinced that TV is too powerful, and’suspecting’ it would not help to keep this power secret from society at large.

What is the best way

to underplay the game?

Answered on March 10, 2021.
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