The Gerund sentence after the preposition “in”

In this page, What is the student survey that

helped send your response to edu/now/2016/03/07/let-us-hear-you-student-survey/ which the first sentence says: Students We need your help in letting us know why you attend UCBA, how you rate your experience, and how we can make improvements for the future.

I’ve heard, lied to friends and family about why I attended UCA “let-know” is the gerund phrase I am interested in. Is gerund phrase an object

  1. of the preposition?
  2. If we abolished the preposition in, what would they call it now? Was this a ordinary’mean’ noun?
  3. When gerund “d” after ”’ and other, what are some correct terms for gerund phrase?

: Per question 1 and 2, according to a user here,, For questions 3 and 4, this answer should be found. I use the term ‘in’ in many cases with some cases. What is your opinion on “Thank you for your help in cooking dinner” and what is the correct way to describe “Thank you for your assistance Cooking Dinner”? What is the correct term to use if there is no in AND if there is in? If there is no “correct” term for that, at least the “common” or “usual” term instead.

If there is no “correct” term for that, at least the “tall” or “sweet” way for that, that, and “normal” can also be used.

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

Couldn’t find enough volunteers to

set up chairs in the assembly.

I can’t seem to clean my baby’s diaper. Should I give it a try?

What would you rate as likely to be more common in a meeting if you could offer me a

sample or if I could do additional notes in your letter?

Is the second pattern, with the preposition, the help provided is facilitation? In the first pattern, without the preposition, the help is direct, the helper does some setting up or some of the changing of the diaper.

Is the prepositional form an indirect, polite kind? Should I use the second sentence as an “always upward”?

How can I arrange a meeting?
How can I arrange a meeting/event and a volunteer fee?

What does it feel like to be an Engineer?

Answered on February 28, 2021.
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