The August 22nd letter by John Marshall has got the following information: “That which”
Your letter to Genl Dumas
was delivered by me to his lady from whom in consequence of it I receivde during my stay in Paris the most polite & flattering attentions. She deliverd me the full answer which was written in Danish & forwarded to her. Having heard that Mrs Marshall is in Winchester I shall immediately set out for that place.
Permit me Sir, to acknowledge the receipt of your very polite & obliging letter in answer to that which I did myself the honor to address to you from the Hague.
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How do you differentiate between what is and what isn’t? Why can you not use “…polite & obliging letter in answer to which I did myself the honor…”
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What are the differences between the expression to do the honour or to do someone the honour? Why not the other?
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Honor+to say I. to show respect to. to have you remarked on. To be a credit to. II. if its proper.
How does “to do honor,” engender these meanings? Can words “do” explain “bestow/convey/impart”?
Can anyone help me?
How would John Marshall behave if he was addressing a letter to the White House from the Hague?
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To that which means to the one which. I read a letter from Marshall acknowledging receiving a response to the one which he had sent earlier, and it sent an unusual reply to his letters. I found this letter rather stupid.
Myself is the indirect object and honour the direct object. I’ve gone through the following sentences so the right order of IO precedes DO, but heavier does the same so long as the same shall be used. The sentence reverts to the do IO DO sequence, stating that “the king did the representatives of the three estates the extraordinary honour when they entered his presence; without a second king ahming out of the three houses for the
above in order to secure his protection.
To do X honour means, “perform some act which confers honour upon X”; if a specific act is named then honour becomes determinate, the honour, and the act is expressed with a preposition phrase heading by of and taking a gerund clause as its object: of VALE.
In the elaborate courtesy which prevailed in the upper ranks of 18th-century society, merely the opportunity of addressing so distinguished a leader as President (late General) Washington reflects great honour on the writer, Marshall acknowledges his temerity when conferring that honour upon himself.
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