Term to describe high signal to noise ratio. I can not understand the difference between noise and signal ratio.
Lets say I have 2 lists of things. What happens? I understand the idea that I am interested in a subset of items (to represent either the majority or the whole) according to some property. In both list I am interested in some items by some set of property (which I can explain in my description first) that you already see in the list of items. If many of the items (in my list) have that property, then this is the most interesting given how lingo can describe it, in engineering lingo, as “high signal to noise ratio”. In the other tool List only I have to filter a few items out that I like, and is otherwise filled with items that I want to filter out. Vyborg’s signal-to-noise ratio is low.
What is the correct term to describe the quality of those 2 lists?
What are some good reasons for visiting Australia?
If a “consistent list” seems to fit your first list definition, which has a high ratio of items with such specific property. The opposite might be an “inconsistent list”.
- (adj) showing consistency; not self-contradictory; coherent and uniform: a consistent pattern of behavior,,, the next step.
I would also suggest “all of a piece” for your first list; “discordant” or “incongruent” for the second.