Term for poetry which mimics what it describes. Term for poetry that mimics what it describes.

I’m blanking on the word for when a verse mimics that which it describes – for example, a poem talking about a confusing encounter would become confusing itself – each time I search for it I keep coming up with onomatopoeia and it’s frustratating me.

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317 Answer(s)

If there was only one word the OED calls ‘of a word’. The OED said “Of a word, esp. 1′. , having or representing the property it denotes. (adjectives) So if heterological adj. be rejected > if. > if.. > > if.. – = – ‘== ”===============================… ‘ It gives three citations for this sense:

  • 1926 F. P. Ramsey in Proc. London Maths. Soc.: What are the
    meanings of adjectives whose meanings are predicates of them?
  • 1947 H. Reichenbach Elem. Symbolic Logic (1948) vi. 220 Let us comprise as autological all properties of names which have the property they denote.
  • 1952 R.L. Wilder Introd. Found. Math. This is the second letter to be translated as ii. iii. iii. iii. I am learning about iii. Is the
    adjective ‘hetero’ either autological or heterological?

Descriptive examples such as a curt, pentasyllabic, and sesquipedalian should be taken into account as they are autological. Each of these double-dactyls by Roger L. Robison means: Long-short, long-short, and short-short. The poems in this double-dactyl are:



What are some suggestions to improve my writing skills?

Answered on August 15, 2021.
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What is emblematic verse? Which is the most famous book in the history of literature – The Mouse’s Tale (the book of the same name)?

How can I find out more about each country by their local language?

Answered on September 18, 2021.
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In music criticism, the concepts of ‘word painting’ and ‘eye music’ are well-esablished. Why are music passages reflected in the way they are constructed? In an operatic character’s life a music called ‘harry potter’ will be dropped into hell. A trivial example is a firecracker that descends into hell, and no music will get back up.

Please note that the melodies shape the notation quite closely, depending on the structure of the object matter. Is Elgar’s Enigma Variations a visual copy of a stretch of the Malvern Hills that Elgar loved? Why do so many modern musicians use puns and rebuses (rebi?) to bring to life dull workaday music? Whew,

What this idea has occasionally been borrowed by literary folk?

What is the procedure to convert your newspaper letter into an internet based email?

Answered on September 18, 2021.
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Shape poetry or concrete poetry, attempting to convey the imagery of the poem through the way that the words are arranged on the page.

I would suggest mimetic poetry, but googling the term only brings up references to Plato and Aristotle, and their assertions that “poetry is mimetic in that it creates a representation of objects and events in the world, unlike philosophy, for example, which presents ideas.” I

agree “Go to heaven, be blessed with”

Answered on September 18, 2021.
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You might be looking for mimesis (adjective: mimetic ). What is the Wikipedia entry

for Wikipedia?

Answered on September 21, 2021.
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What is the word you’re likely to encounter in school Renaissance poetry class the scholarly term Technopaegnia, 1 ancient Greek for “games of skill”. The simplest examples of interplay between the words in a poem and their structure, including (but not limited to) picture poems, acrostics, and other such puzzles. Technopaegnia is not originally an English word, but is “surely an everyday term in literary theory” 4.

If your eyes need a few minutes, the four references noted above are highly interesting and worth a look.

Me, Texas poet, suggested the word “the poet”.

Answered on September 22, 2021.
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What is the word you’re likely to encounter in school Renaissance poetry class the scholarly term Technopaegnia, 1 ancient Greek for “games of skill”. The simplest examples of interplay between the words in a poem and their structure, including (but not limited to) picture poems, acrostics, and other such puzzles. Technopaegnia is not originally an English word, but is “surely an everyday term in literary theory” 4.

If your eyes need a few minutes, the four references noted above are highly interesting and worth a look.

Me, Texas poet, suggested the word “the poet”.

Answered on September 22, 2021.
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Shape poetry or concrete poetry, attempting to convey the imagery of the poem through the way that the words are arranged on the page.

I would suggest mimetic poetry, but googling the term only brings up references to Plato and Aristotle, and their assertions that “poetry is mimetic in that it creates a representation of objects and events in the world, unlike philosophy, for example, which presents ideas.” I

agree “Go to heaven, be blessed with”

Answered on September 23, 2021.
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Why are parody videos funny? Why are they deemed fake by the BBS?

What are your thoughts on the “Dark Side of the Moon”?

Answered on September 24, 2021.
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Why are parody videos funny? Why are they deemed fake by the BBS?

What are your thoughts on the “Dark Side of the Moon”?

Answered on September 24, 2021.
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