So and NOT with verbs other than THINK, SUPPOSE, HOPE, etc. so and NOT with verbs other than HOPE, HOPE, etc.
I’m conscious that we can use so after some verbs instead of repeating an object clause, especially in short answers. Do we do this with most of the verbs we do this with are: appear, assume, believe, expect, guess, etc.? What is the typical sentence in this type
of sentence?
Can we use
so in a similar way in a combination with other types of verbs? Example, plan, consider, etc? Are you going to give
a presentation on Friday?
I will be
to New York next year?
I don’t think
so. -I’m considering for a major grant. I’ll be using myself to put into test whether I can win?
When I say verb phrase in an answer, I mean a verb attached with an auxiliary verb (if any) along with its complements and modifiers. ]
The word “so” as used in your question is pro-form. A pro-form substitutes string of words (e.g. a word) or single word (to be changed). Can you substitute the whole clause or phrase?
In Verb Phrase structure the Pro-form – so – substitutes complements. Various word types are complements to each other. Can be a phrase (entire phrase), a Finite clause or even a non-terminal one.
How many people will we see in Goa? . What
are the major issues facing America in the next 5 years?
I like him and she likes the way I get attention from the crowd. Just like him, she likes me and I start giving her time, and she does it every week.
Please don’t treat him . In the examples of two complement of the same type they are in third brackets. One complement is a noun phrase and the other complement is an adverb. But while noun expression is often used in spoken text like some such as ‘word’, there’s no verb. Keep it flowing forever.We remain hopeful of your success..u00bb . A
large percentage of school-age students were overweight, or at the risk of becoming so. A second study showed a higher incidence of overweight in the college level than the college level because of the high prevalence of this metabolic syndrome.
I can’t ride this thing. I’m just a kid! You can change that. .]
It, however, can’t substitute complements formed by some phrase or clauses. For example generally it can’t substitute a to -infinitive complement or a Gerund-Participle clause as complement, or an Adverb Phrase as complement.
Will you be moving to NY next year?
Verbs whose
complements can be substituted by so are – Think, guess,
die, Look, Feel, Become etc. I’m considering so verbs with but, not in word but in words without so.
N.B – The verb – like – is not among the verbs whose complement can be substituted by so. Although you probably can find similar sentences and they are correct –
“Then you add your tomato, like so”.
Here is a set expression, meaning in this manner.
All the quoted sentences with so in your question are correct, except the one with consider so.
The answer is yes: with consider and plan you cannot use so as you use it in: I guess so.
Please note: so here is the same as: I guess I will say.
I’m planning to and I’m considering it. VERSUS: I’m planning to and I’m considering it.
This list of verbs takes so: appear, assume, believe, expect, guess,think,seem (partial list), look (one meaning of look)
These are not “action” verbs. At first sight they are verbs of expectation or deference.
What is action verb?
Is /So/ still the auxiliary in many cases?
Do you think you’re wrong? I think I do.
Did you think so? I thought I did or I thought I would Have
you thought so? I thought I have or had
Will you think so tomorrow? What will you think about that? I think I will. I doubt I’ll be able to.
I will pass on any heavy grammar, yes I do. What does that mean for a ELL?
Whoops, I forgot the negative: I don’t think I go? I didn’t think anything about it, and I actually thought I did. I didn’t think anything about it. I don’t remember what exactly happened. I think it
doesn’t seem to happen.