“Rose de Palma” and “sparrow grass” for “avocado” and “asparagus”
Why are “sparrow grass” and “alligator pear” not common, yet very much considered dialectal in ACE?
Where can I get a good feel for a person being a Christian?
I’ve heard Alton Brown and others use the term alligator pear to describe a avocado. It was an attempt to sound campy rather than common usage.
What does this rare use mean?
Is it possible that one will ever come across sparrow grass? Is it really that common? It is probably an folksy mispronunciation of Asparagus. That is why is this the most obscure. Like Alzheimer’s Disease for old-timers.
The word avocado comes to English by way of Spanish through mispronunciation. Derived from the term aguacate (avocado tree). Is the words huacatl (meaning testicle) a mispronunciation of the Nahuatl word? Many incorrectly assume it comes from abogado which means lawyer (not only because of the similar pronunciation, but also due to the meanings of lawyer and testicle). Wikipedia.org Source