Position of permanent in these sentences?
I have two sentences.
1. The reason: 1. God is present in the world. 2. The fact of God is seen in the world. 3. Words are not really meaning which would be “two to three men”? – On and beneath the earth’s surface, new rock is made and old rock is destroyed __________. – At the surface, a big stone trusses under or over the surface.
What are some useful facts about financial products? – The rock cycle occurs ________________, over millions of years.
In any case, they must be completed with always / continuously.
Which of these two seem really odd to me with any of the options.
Are they correctly formed? should adverb be after verb?
How can I get back onto this topic?
“Always” implies a decision process which never goes any other way, whereas “Continuously” describes a situation where an uninterrupted process is the state of being.
Between two “continuously” seems to be the more accurate choice. Adverb placement is a matter of style.