Pontificious – Is a word called pontificious?
I recently got called “incredibly pontificious” What is the right word to use in this situation?
Can I search for pontificate with no actual definition of the word? He said the reason is which is such a rare word that it won’t be used, but I’d assume somewhere would have defined it or used it in a sentence if it was.
Why did I think this example was not properly used?
I have done Google research for a few years and I have tried to find somewhere else. I just read the dictionaries online. I am too confused. If I searched in Cambridge dictionary (websters) and in Cambridge dictionary (conclusions manual) for quite some time, will it eventually send me off to pontificate? Is
this a spoken word? If I was being pompous and dogmatic, how should He Have described me?
What’s the best definition for a word?
What would you say if someone is trying to answer your question on Twitter?
In addition to the answer by Cerberus, an internet search of “pontificious” revealed the following usages (my emphasis added): The
Power that makes them is originally in the Emperor; but is exercised also by the Pope, although some lawyers of the Empire that are not Pontificious, quarrel at him for it, and leave it doubtful also whether the Empress, the King of the Romans, other kings, or the Princes Electors, may of themselves confer this dignity
What is Titles of Honor Volume 2, by John Selden, page 323, presumably the 1631 edition. The Preface, shewing the first occasions, inducements, and maner, of the Authors conversion, The Introduction. What is the division of the motives? Into Motives out of the Pontificious Erroneous Doctrines. Out of their wicked Lawes. Out of their dangerous and wicked Lawes.
And here’s
also this recent paper giving further background: The Oxford
English dictionary is the basis of the Historical thesaurus of the Oxford English dictionary (2009), which is in effect a subject-ordered index to the dictionary, registering 800,000 lexical items in 235,000 entry categories. All three categories fall under three levels, “the external world”, “the mind” and “society”. What is the use of the phrase “society”? The number of early modern forms in this list, and the absence of new forms after the seventeenth century, respectively are both striking. Each form listed at top of page represents an early modern form.
John Considine, English Dictionaries As Source For Work In English Historical Linguistics: An Overview, in Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis 131 (2014): 27–41 ; p. 17 et. al. 34]
(Regulations, I.T., d.p.d., ch. 32) *
Is Pontificious a dictionary?
In the same way as the word pontifical, the
word pontifical can still be used.
Is Pontificious a dictionary?
In the same way as the word pontifical, the
word pontifical can still be used.