Numbers as words are used in contexts.

Why is there a word or word or words for a group of numbers that is used with a specific meaning aside from the values of the numbers itself, not the number itself? Why are these designations used in 911 for emergency, 411 for information, 24/7 for always available, or 10-4, 10-20, and similar? Why does each of these number has specific meanings and associations if one searches for a vocabulary word or two to search this category of numbers used as


Asked on March 28, 2021 in Word choice.
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What is a number based word?

Wikipedia: Less

commonly, a numeronym is composed entirely of numbers, such as the letters “212” for “New Yorker”, “4-1′” for “information”, “9-1”, for “help”, and “101” for “basic introduction to a subject”. While some words of this type exist for decades, such as the 10-code that has been in use since before World War

I. can I add these words and the 10-code which is more reliable?

Answered on March 28, 2021.
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