Notable changes to English grammar rules in modern grammar books

Modern English grammar books like English Grammar In Use, first published in 1985, have been issued till now, I am wondering if there are any notable worthy examples of changes in modern English grammar rules that differ in these editions?

What is your current list of grammar rules, the examples, and the documentation in this book? Have you ever given examples which you could please describe as references?

Can you give an example of stative verbs in progressive tense and a proverb like I am loving it? Well accepted nowadays it may be, but if it wasn’t yet documented in one of these grammar books editions, I can’t accept that as an answer to this question. Another quick example may be the shift from I/They shall to I/They will, but again, need to be documented.

Is the link to every grammar book from high school can be really helpful? I tried, couldn’t find any. But so far I tried?

What are such language rules different from grammar rules in literature?

What do differences mean between different publishers and web pages? Why is Cambridge different than Oxford?

How can spelling differences be fixed or ignored? What are some interesting differences in the audience between Canada and the United States? A modern Chinese comparison please.

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