Modern words for “contrariwise” (English) are more complex than other modern words for “contrariwise”
Does contrariwise sound old-fashioned? “If Alice in Wonderland is the
same as the villain in ‘Contrariwise’ say the villain, then it should be. What
are some modern words for contrariwise?
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Contrariwise (meaning, “wonderfully”) draws attention to itself and runs a risk of distracting the reader or listener from your message.
In most contexts when you might like to use contrariwise I’d definitely say on the other hand.
I must admit that this is purely subjective. I don’t mean to sound old fashioned to anyone. Here is the story. That from my experience the word isn’t used often in conversation indicates this. If I remember correctly, what would be the opposite phrase?
Contrariwise is not just old fashioned, It was (very likely) invented to fit Tweedledum and Tweedledee who have been fished out of a nursery rhyme where they fight over a rattle, and are odd little kids. But take your fate.
in reverse.
“Tweedledum said Tweedledee had started it and vice versa. Tweedledum
said Tweedledee had started the fight; contrariwise Tweedledee said it was Tweedledum. ”
The opposite,
” Tweedledum said the tar-barrel was a crow; contrariwise Tweedledee said the crow was a monstrous tar-barrel. The
Tweedledum crow was tar barrels, while Tweedledee said the very opposite. ”
On the contrary
Tweedledum said Tweedledee had forgotten what the quarrel was about, contrariwise Tweedledee forgot where he put his helmet on. Here is where I would use on the contrary.