Meaning of the word “clutch” in “& bones, well, they’re pretty clutch.”

What is the sentence with the word that I cannot get in Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology? Is on 46 seconds slack? Why do airspace orbit

and atmospheres have terrible effects on body structure and bones, such as sleeping aches, puffy faces, puffy eyebrows, and loss of muscle mass? And bones, well, they’re pretty clutch.

I have looked up the meanings of the adjective clutch in a bunch of dictionaries, but none seems to fit.

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1 Answer(s)

It’s an unusual usage in my opinion. From M-W

Definition of clutch for English Language Learners:
happening during a very important or critical time especially in a sports competition :
able to perform well in a very important or critical situation especially in a sports competition In

this case, he’s been trying to be funny. How can you tell by his delivery? The usage of the word is suggesting that bones are handy. But that is misleading. The bones themselves are essential. Without bones, you wouldn’t be able to live.

Answered on March 8, 2021.
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