Meaning of phrase great love of life

I met in text a phrase:

a double or triple line means a great love of life and adventure.

Now we have a discussion about the meaning of this.

The first proposed meaning was:

Biggest love (for a woman) of person’s life

Another proposed meaning was:

love to life? Enjoyment of life.

Why there is of instead of to or for instead?

Oops, I’ve tried Google Translate twice. How does that phase appear?

What can be done to save the planet?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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2 Answer(s)

…a lust for life… Your example, “great love of life” is not a common

one to my knowledge

but given the context (clairvoyance) its the sort of sentiment that is common to the situation.

What exactly is “lust for life”? One who always tries to always be interesting and interesting. Some people who tries to avoid negativity.

I believe in your words that the “love of life” means the

same thing to a ‘human being’: love of life. As I’ve seen a movie, I believe that that same thing still happens.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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The vivacity of life and thrill therein are what would interest you the most. Have a good weekend and get ready to spend with my family. Life would present challenges to overcome. We are blessed with abundant life. To say that we are gifted with a life is joy enough.

The “O” is preferred to the the exclusion of to or for. “Life is not something external to you.” Moreover, LIFE has many things to offer. That you would bask in the joy of life. beckoning of its adventures.

The line has nothing to do with woman’s love, though joy of living permeates with it from birth till death.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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