Is there a word for too much time (more than necessary)?

What word would replace my last sentence ‘i spend

too much time on youtube’?

What is the importance of public communication?

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3 Answer(s)

I waste too much time searching

video waste and spend about the same,

but I should not spend so much time or wasting too much time on Youtube.

Answered on March 2, 2021.
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following statements could be considered as exorbitant beyond the bounds of custom, propriety, or reason,


in amount or extent; high excessive inordinate not


proper or reasonable limits that

can be considered as immoderate; excessive unreasonable excessive excessive, immoderate, or exorbitant,

unconscionable, if all three are considered a stronger than more.

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following statements could be considered as exorbitant beyond the bounds of custom, propriety, or reason,


in amount or extent; high excessive inordinate not


proper or reasonable limits that

can be considered as immoderate; excessive unreasonable excessive excessive, immoderate, or exorbitant,

unconscionable, if all three are considered a stronger than more.

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