Is crave for you more pronounced than crave for you?
Are the following sentences with “crave” and “crave for” grammatically right and natural in English?
I know that the male from South Asia is somewhat ambitious, but he is actively driven for power and has great confidence in himself.
Has a desire for power.
He often has a craving for power. It can cause his feelings or emotions to turn into emotions.
Is power something a grown man desperately needs?
- Power is not something that a person craves.
Power is not something which he craves.
Is power something he cries for?
- Power is not what one craves for.
If a person always wanted more power that is non existent then he can never give it to others.
Why is power not something that you want to please your husband, and not what you need for him?
How do you make a friend?
What does He’s very ambitious and in constant search of what and how can he be
How can someone get what he wants that is extremely ambitious?I am very ambitious and addicted to power. Because I am very afraid about being in power of others. I wouldn’t do anything wrong. I’m an ambitious person, I don’t have any power.
Do you think he’s ambitious?
he craving you?
A guy is craving for power.
God will not get it, power is not something he craves for, then he is a man of nothing.
Is the sentence ending funny?