Interesting/weird terminology /. (in Chinese) u00bb

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sentences sounds technically “incorrect” – usually when there’s a relative pronoun like “who”, the antecedent is not restated. E.g. “Any-one is an heir of the brother” If the name “lady who is famous” means “lady who knows who she is famous.” ” the “But…” in Marshall’s sentence it seems like there is an overabundance of subjects.

I have used like examples of similar sentences regularly, simply because in English, there seems to be no good alternative. How can I express Marshall’s reasoning without stating the answer? Is there any insight into this type of usage? What did you learn?

What is your opinion and what you think about it?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

In the example, you is a resumptive pronoun. It should be omitted, since it is coreferential with the relative pronoun who of the relative clause, yet it cannot be omitted because of an island constraint. Do you recognise such constructions in English?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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