In what context would the words “try to see me” make sense?
If there is such possible situation, please, describe it.
Please please don’t insert any punctuation between these words and keep their order
One of the meaning of to see is meet someone one knows, socially.
I went to see “Charles” and she is fantastic!
What is Colin talking about?
What should be the steps taken to prevent one from being a demon that would never harm people?
Why does my ex try to see me so soon after breaking up?
The other meaning would be to try to see me (as I really am) like in The Legion Within “Try to see me” song.
If the Flash was trying to impress a girl he could say: “I’m gonna move from in the left side of the room, to the right. I’m trying to impress some others”. Try to see me.
Maybe I can help my parents get a referral for a friend?
What could you say to a patient: Try to see me again
next on week 1, ask an GP from the day 4 or even 6 p.m.
Not sure if he/she will return to see his dr next month, ask other questions etc. What would
be a solution for this to come back with the doctor?
What would mean with “try to see me”? I’m
testing a video camera, stand there and try to see me. ” It could also be the literal meaning: “I’m testing a video camera, stand there and try to see me.” ”
” In China, ” “I are a man- “,