In a real world, f is a function of an argument’s vector argument. In a ntan case, f is a function of the vector argument.

I read “f is a scalar function of a vector argument”. “. How the function f taken from an argument, and more specifically another, is where it is used. Typically a vector is used for f derived from a vector, and not on a function. 2. 156; 1/3]), as input, and outputs a scalar, i.e. a SCRUM]. When you put a 2D number, you put a 4S number of possible integers into a simple real. E.g. 1.159). f(. 2.] )(. P. R.; Par. 30. 166; 1/3]) = 1.159.

What is a vector argument? Is that correct, and if not what’s the best way to phrase it?

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