If a person is not scared of losing their own life, what would you call a person who was?

What would you call a person who is so scared of losing their own life that they would do so for the sake of others? I’m trying to think of a word that expresses out of the meaning of someone who is self-centered like that, but I don’t want to use the words selfish or self-centered. What is the best way to write an essay about the Holocaust?

What are some good ways to improve an institution?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Meaning.
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2 Answer(s)

How can I write a complicated sentence with a combination of two words, given the depth of meaning you’re searching for? Coward, fainthearted, invertebrate, recreant (though this usually means with intent) are just a few.

Some were so fearful for their own lives that they would rather turn a blind eye to the atrocities occurring right infront of them. What is something that everybody knows and always happens with

alarming frequency, and ever before?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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Spineless. Are they artificial? How do you put the idea into a sentence? What was the spineless Captain that sneaked off the ship before it capsized?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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