How would one explain the phrase “shenes harsh light”?

In the sentence

“Shutdown shines harsh light on rift in republican-left? What

do they mean?

Why should I be upset by this? What has you done about the government shutdown

in the U.S?

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2 Answer(s)

What I can read from that line without further context, I assume the following: There’s a

  • rift in the Republican Party That rift is brought
  • to attention by a harsh light That harsh light is
  • emitted by the shutdown What is the reason

why attention concentrates on the disagreement in the Republican Party that has been unable to

fight for months since the shutdown?

Answered on March 10, 2021.
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I’m looking for a headline so I can leave out the most important part to nip and print this in a larger font. The shutdown

shines a harsh light on a rift in the GOP.

How do you indicate that you understand what is meant by shutdown?

To shine a light on something means to make it more visible or visible. Harsh light is a figure of speech from painting and photography: lighting is described as harsh when it exposes and draws attention to unpleasant features of the subject instead of blurring and “softening” these features.

Is rift a tear? Can it be explained? It is in these instances used figuratively to represent a fundamental division of opinion among members of the party.


The shutdown exposes a distressing division in opinion among Republicans .

How is a new person called?

Answered on March 10, 2021.
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