How to use assault to in a sentence ?
What is the usage of the words Assault on Assault to Assault for please gives an example to explain the same. There is a
confusion regarding the use of the following words Assault on Assault to Assault
First, assault is a noun & verb. As a verb, it can be both transitive and intransitive, according to Webster’s New World Dictionary, Fourth Edition.
He committed multiple assaults just not on a dog.
I was assaulted by her.
Is Khaled Al-Jazeerah an offender in Mumbai? Is it possible for us to create a digital photo gallery (Ha ha! A bit of linguistic fun using the word “assault on”; one doesn’t really commit assault “on” someone, they just assault him or her. If you need explanation for
a question as a questioner on Quora, see the example below. The pronouns cited in the question don’t really work with “assault”. But see the example below. What are some examples
of an assault on a teacher. How would you describe the legal citation to a client.
He also commits assault at the workplace by threatening the teacher.
“Assault to” and “Assault for” are unusual phrasing in the normal sense of the action of assault. He was charged with assault as a result of his threat against his
teacher. (I threw away his job ). However, I can construct a sentence that
uses assault for in this sense.