How should I change my English Grammar and grammatical structure?

Why is there a need to preserve grammar too?

How are you going to explain yourself to a stranger without using proper grammar? Could the reason be that if grammar is used then it implies that there is a standard way of communicating, thus people would be able to spend the least amount of effort getting their point across? Wait! Doesn’t slang work already?

Can I get a short explanation?

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What is meant by “grammar”?

In one sense, the grammar of a language is the patterns/structures for combining words that native speakers intuitively acquire and use. What are some books that attempting to describe the grammar of various languages running to hundreds of pages but only scratch the surface? On a pronunciation question like what a native speaker says when it says ‘He didn’t finish’ vs ‘He hasn’t finished” it’s extremely complex, but whatever the pattern for deciding which is used, native speakers intuitively absorb and apply it.

Then in another sense, there is what we might call prescriptive grammar : rules that particular authors suggest “should”, be used, unless they actually are or not in practice. These are essentially invented preferences or “language etiquette”. Does some people think such grammars aren’t useful or good to read/read? So they say if they do believe in science, they rarely point to any actual evidence to back it up. A common phenomenon is that the rule is introduced to solve a supposed ambiguity, with little evidence that the ambiguity is ever a problem in practice.

Is Proper Grammar the rules of a particular author? Are there any advantages to good prescriptive grammar? Why? Does prescriptivists understand that certain dosages are so clear that drugs are not prescribed?

Answered on March 15, 2021.
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What are some great examples of what educator descriptivists can do to argue against the lack of grammar to non-standard speech?

They have two reasons for use of grammar to mean “standard grammar”: 1. Most talk about grammar is by those using or aspiring to use standard grammar; 3. Is having a short term efficient with everybody? Hence, grammar by default refers to standard grammar. This is because a uglier grammar would not allow me to write more complicated writing. Is the straw man against a more effective straw man? In a linguistic, scientific context, perhaps the word should be avoided all together: what is meant is often syntax, a more exact term.

What is etiquette, grammar and dictionary? Can we always have our bread plate on our left or up on our left? I keep forgetting this one), should Avoid confusion and grease social interaction, just like greetings and thank-yous. What is the importance of standard grammar and its use?

Of course it is against nature to go some extreme. In fact as the Ancient Egyptians taught us, going beyond the limits is evil! What is the abuse of etiquette as a social marker is a fact of life. Advising people to disregard etiquette amounts to sacrificing them for the perceived greater good, a dubious practice

Language also serves a purpose: through literature, it is connected with art. Language can feel beautiful or ugly, which is of course entirely subjective and dependent on geography and time, and not unconnected with social conventions. What you say in your lyrics is satire. One phrase will give you joy. Another will put you to sleep or both or both. Less like ink, language is not only a blind tool used for communication, but also a conscious instruments of art. Other parallel phenomena would be food, clothing, architecture, and anything else capable of being decorated.

People continually make choices in their use of language and are emotionally affected by their feelings at the same time. What are the best stylistic rules for English grammar? The etymology of words, parallels to similar constructions, considerations of consistency, knowing a certain word and who doesn’t—all these are elements that usually come up in a postscript where words are used. They might decide one day that a word they have been using for a while is ugly, for some more or less obscure reason, and stop using it. Is having background knowledge essential for the aesthetic quality of language?

Answered on March 15, 2021.
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Which area of your question primarily turns on the definition of grammar?

Org grammar is the patterns created by people who don’t understand linguistics. Grammar is important for communication. A sentence with complete grammar cannot be understood, and a sentence that abuses grammar will be understood the wrong way after. I’ll use a raccoon

bit on the collar dog and wear the cat bite on the collar dog.

What does this sentence mean? “Do no know how to imagine what it implies.” On a linguistic level, the words are randomly assigned. Is there any more like them? Without grammar to establish the relationships between those words, the utterance is incomprehensible. Why can’t the dog bite the

cat? If we add some grammar?

What does it mean to read that a person is not fully aware of some thing? The grammar of English tells to put the word the right before a noun, tells you to turn wear into wearing, and to put the word brown before collar to indicate that it’s the collar that’s brown, and not the dog or the cat. What are the rules of the word grammar and are they intended in the word grammatical?

Slang actually has grammar. If an unlucky dog bit a kitty and

didn’t take it from somebody, let it go. It must.

NSD is grammar. This is an example of this. Different dialects and different registers of English have different grammatical rules. In fact, the rules in different registers differ very little from those in other dialects. Some rules are accepted and encouraged as proper, and this constitutes what we call standard English. Several of those rules are not widely accepted, and those constitute “nonstandard English”. What does a nonstandard dialect have? What are the grammatical rules for each dialect and register? What would be basic grammar if all you want to know is what are some examples? And even then, there are a relatively small number of grammatical differences between the nonstandard sentence that I gave above and a standard translation, which is why it’s not really difficult to understand both of them.

Does grammar have to do with language? Do we really need to have a grammar to communicate? If our goal is simple comprehension, then no. Why do people think standard grammar is better than nonstandard grammar, but it is only a complaint. Is it bad enough to have poor education? What is wrong with using standard grammar so as to present the best possible image of yourself, and the people around me for a long period of time?

(Aside from grammar in the sense discussed here, written language encompasses other conventions such as spelling and punctuation. Many times these are lumped together as grammar, though they should be considered separate issues. If the same remarks about the importance of standard grammar apply to the usage of standard spelling and

punctuation.) Finally, we come to the issue of language change. Is an all new word or construction a nonstandard term? It doesn’t mean that it’s “a real word” or that you shouldn’t use it—just means that the standard grammar at the moment hasn’t accepted it. In situations where standard grammar isn’t required, there’s nothing wrong with using slang, double-negation, or other features of nonstandard grammar. Examples of nonstandard usages exist, but if they persist, we will eventually become part

of the standard.

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Which area of your question primarily turns on the definition of grammar?

Org grammar is the patterns created by people who don’t understand linguistics. Grammar is important for communication. A sentence with complete grammar cannot be understood, and a sentence that abuses grammar will be understood the wrong way after. I’ll use a raccoon

bit on the collar dog and wear the cat bite on the collar dog.

What does this sentence mean? “Do no know how to imagine what it implies.” On a linguistic level, the words are randomly assigned. Is there any more like them? Without grammar to establish the relationships between those words, the utterance is incomprehensible. Why can’t the dog bite the

cat? If we add some grammar?

What does it mean to read that a person is not fully aware of some thing? The grammar of English tells to put the word the right before a noun, tells you to turn wear into wearing, and to put the word brown before collar to indicate that it’s the collar that’s brown, and not the dog or the cat. What are the rules of the word grammar and are they intended in the word grammatical?

Slang actually has grammar. If an unlucky dog bit a kitty and

didn’t take it from somebody, let it go. It must.

NSD is grammar. This is an example of this. Different dialects and different registers of English have different grammatical rules. In fact, the rules in different registers differ very little from those in other dialects. Some rules are accepted and encouraged as proper, and this constitutes what we call standard English. Several of those rules are not widely accepted, and those constitute “nonstandard English”. What does a nonstandard dialect have? What are the grammatical rules for each dialect and register? What would be basic grammar if all you want to know is what are some examples? And even then, there are a relatively small number of grammatical differences between the nonstandard sentence that I gave above and a standard translation, which is why it’s not really difficult to understand both of them.

Does grammar have to do with language? Do we really need to have a grammar to communicate? If our goal is simple comprehension, then no. Why do people think standard grammar is better than nonstandard grammar, but it is only a complaint. Is it bad enough to have poor education? What is wrong with using standard grammar so as to present the best possible image of yourself, and the people around me for a long period of time?

(Aside from grammar in the sense discussed here, written language encompasses other conventions such as spelling and punctuation. Many times these are lumped together as grammar, though they should be considered separate issues. If the same remarks about the importance of standard grammar apply to the usage of standard spelling and

punctuation.) Finally, we come to the issue of language change. Is an all new word or construction a nonstandard term? It doesn’t mean that it’s “a real word” or that you shouldn’t use it—just means that the standard grammar at the moment hasn’t accepted it. In situations where standard grammar isn’t required, there’s nothing wrong with using slang, double-negation, or other features of nonstandard grammar. Examples of nonstandard usages exist, but if they persist, we will eventually become part

of the standard.

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