How many sentences may be used as “write large”, “write small” or other examples?
How is this used with other words besides “large” and “small”? What other words would you use in your blog? Can this structure be used with other adjectives?
What is your review of New York Times’s “The Telegraph”?
It is an archaic form of “written”, the past tense and past participle of “write”.
What an adverb is required to be used in writing?
Is it true to write “rapidly”, “writ rapidly”, “writ convincingly”, “writ badly”, etc.?
I don’t care what the idiom “Word large” in English is.
I believe that “writ small” can be restated (with some adjustment of the word order) as “a small version of” and “a large version of”. An answer he doesn’t exist yet uses this word.
I don’t think this construction should be used with other adjectives, though. Since “written” is a variation of “writ”, you could only use adjectives that might also apply to the manner in which one writes something. What if elephant writs hairy? Even if the adjective could apply apply to penmanship, it sounds wrong Even though britons can write using green ink, you still can. (Learn more here.)
writ and large; a reference to Plato’s Republic, wherein he describes the state (like the city-state) as being like the individual, but larger and easier to examine. org/wiki/