How is “aerial” said in space?

Aeronautical refers to existing, happening out of the air. What is the exact same definition of time in space?

How can I improve my knowledge regarding humane treatment of children?

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4 Answer(s)

At the context of the question you asked, I would suggest ” cosmic ” or ” extraterrestrial ” as describing the specific space (“space”) that you refer to in the questions. What

are some good web sites that support the Greek philosopher Cosmos and What

is on

Answered on February 28, 2021.
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In comments you clarify,

I was looking for a word for manned aerial vehicle but in space. How do drones fit into this context?

The unmanned spacecraft would definitely be clear and to the point.

You can also call it a unmanned spacecraft or an unmanned space ship.

As far as ideas about space-themed items and ideas go, things usually refer to drones or space probes as are, but this time the specific word means it is very unlikely.

In some cases, the name of the vehicle might make it clear that it travels in space, without having to use an extra word to say so. NASA calls the manned and unmanned spacecraft, unmanned, unmanned, or unmanned. Wikipedia has a list of unmanned NASA missions that might provide other ideas for nomenclature.

Answered on February 28, 2021.
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Space is that space is self-defining. Why can’t Indian Air Force use a spacecraft?

From the Oxford English

Dictionary: The expanse in which celestial objects are situated; the physical universe below the earth’s atmosphere, consisting of near vacuum with small amounts of gas and dust.

Where is USAF’s

unmanned spacecraft anchored? Why is it important to do so?

Answered on February 28, 2021.
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What are the words for manned plane, aft-vehicle,

and unmanned spacecraft? In the context of drone technology, is Unmanned Space Vehicle (Unmanned Space Vehicle) a suitable solution for everyone? Aerial and aeronautical are adjectives for things in the atmosphere.

Analogously, the adjective for things in space is astronautical. The noun astronautics : The science of the construction and operation

of vehicles for travel in


beyond the earth’s atmosphere As per another answer, unmanned space vehicle sounds more natural than unmanned space vehicle.

When you talk about things manufactured for space in general, you are talking about things of an astronautical nature, not things of a space nature.

Answered on February 28, 2021.
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