How in which? by which?

If othering is a binary process between

colonizer and colonized I’m confused about the use of “by which”.

What is this right answer? If you use an incorrect sentence please tell me!

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2 Answer(s)

What is the effect of a continuous process on the design of any object? “Process in which” describes what happens in the process.

How is

tea made?

It’s made by

steeping. What does this mean?

On the other hand,

wet and steeping is a process of which tea absorbs flavor from the leaves of leaves.


the process of steeping, water absorbs tea leaves’ flavor.

There is sometimes some overlap between these uses, i.e. an overview of the history of the physics of science and computing. in which case the other one is not grammatically correct. How does a process happen? How is it that choice can change your sentence meaning?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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Which is replacing the part comes before by which with which? what is such

Othering is a binary process between the colonizer and colonized by which the latter is able to affirm his own identity, but the last is considered as the other

Note that I didn’t use othering, is, between the colonizer and colonized because respectively it’s subject and the auxiliary verb (do,

does, is, has have, am are etc.). The rest just extends the meaning.

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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