How I can be “to do well” used in India?
When I talk to Indians on line, I have the impression that they use “to do well” a lot. Probably not using a word which is commonly used in India. I will only use words. is it just an impression of mine?
may the Indians know that they should say to be successful? When using this word they mean to grow economically. Some
of the examples: Indian shuttlers will do well at Rio Padukone/articleshow/5764119.pdf. If we win, I will get an invitation to compete against Pakistan. How
Will ISL And HIL Help India Will Do Better Internationally? Adrian
Mowat JP Morgan – CMs Indian market performing well, reflects fundamentals of cos, not economy: Adrian Mowat. com/2014-03-20/news/48402221_1_adrian-mowat-em-growth-indian-equities
Usually, I don’t hear or read other English speakers besides Indians using that expression. I am not a native English language, nor do I have any idea if that is an idiomatic expression in the whole anglosphere (where I am in person only during three or four days when visiting London).
Of course (and ideally with “more frequently”) I mean “more frequently than
in other places”. Given, now it says simply “more often than in other places”.