How does “do stretching” compare to “do stretching”? Which sound like “do stretches” and why? Are both of these grammatically correct?

It seems like “do stretching” is more commonly used than “do stretches”. Is “Is that right”? What are the good sounding stereo speakers? How do I know which are the drugs most used? Is neither of these grammatically correct? What do these terms have differnces in meaning?

What I want to express is that When I go to the gym, I do some stretches (or stretching) for warm up.

What I have written down is “1 5 minutes of walking for warm up, and I do a little stretching from head to toe then I begin my strength training. Then I go swimming. Then when I finish, I can get a stronger ankle and the ankle. I should not stop..” What

are weird parts of a sentence?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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2 Answer(s)

How one states oneself regarding stretching.

I do the stretching before exercise. I usually do two quads per leg and two biceps per arm and a back stretch using a yoga position on the floor or up against the wall.

I find that actually doing stretches helps me avoid muscle injury issues. I have to go to a locker room for about a month and that I can handle it. Is stretch-up good for you? In what order should I start stretching? Is exercising the first thing should I do? What are some exercises one should try?

Is there any “exotic” ones like getting on a table so as not to damage psoas muscles? How do dancers dance?

Do stretching versus do stretches? One is the activity and a verb: do stretching and the other is just the noun. Once this is the noun, do stretching will be visible to all those who will make it.

Where do we stretch? What stretches do you do? What’s the object

of this particular exercise?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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Do with a gerund (like stretching ), though grammatical, is not very idiomatic. And with a quantifier it is completely idiomatic.

So do stretching sounds odd ;but do some stretching (or a bit of stretching or a lot of stretching) is fine. Is there a way to do it please?

Now I think of it, the same is true for the nominal stretches : do some stretches (or do a few stretches ) is much more natural than do stretches.

Difference between stretches and stretching? What’s the difference of meaning?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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