How do you use a longer name for the sentence?

How can I do many

  • things: write with a pen while
  • sitting smuggle milk through border
  • crossings and finally repent for thy sins

with my sins I can do many things, one, write with

a pen while sitting; three, smuggle milk through border crossings; four, repent for my sins with my sins.

Asked on March 4, 2021 in Other.
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2 Answer(s)

Never use bullet points at all. I can’t write long sentences. “How do you write it”? Write a sentence that is short.

I can do many things. But I still can’t. I can write in pencil or pen while sitting. I could smuggle milk through border crossings, but not into Australia. Alone I can repent and die for my sins. What are some of the things you can do in your life? I can do many things. I like the idea that I just can’t complete a project?

Just write in a silly way how you think you speak. If I write a long sentence, it’s impossible to get it. How do I write a longer sentence. See Winston Churchill. Can you write an abstract, general or long sentence?

Answered on March 4, 2021.
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I can write with the pen whilst sitting, smuggle milk through border crossings, and repent with my sins.

Answered on March 5, 2021.
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