How do you quote a paragraph that already have a footnote?

Why do I have footnotes in most paragraphs?

In short. the argument is about the size of shoots and not needles. footnoteThis has been notified at great length in the discussions at length. How

do I quote a paragraph with quotation marks? What happens in a paragraph where the paragraph ends without any footnote?

What are some good examples?

Asked on February 28, 2021 in Other.
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1 Answer(s)

Then, if the footnote is not relevant to you,

  1. or if your only reason for including it is that the source had it, then don’t worry, you can simply omit it. Is it possible to quote a paragraph without including any paragraphs before and after it?
  2. If this footnote is relevant to you, you can follow the quotation with a comment along the lines of “A footnote adds that ‘…’. How do you add comment in quotation style using footnote?
  3. This is disruptive, and gives the footnote greater prominence than the author gave it, so should be used with caution.

If #1 is more common than #2, #2 is more common than #3, then #2 is

more common than #3.

Answered on February 28, 2021.
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