How do we call the mumbling act? A symbiotical relationship between the two variables or a different entity / event is evoked. A copy is applied at the “duplicate” point, and the number in the “Pictured” point is distributed in a subset.
Possible Duplicate:
Term for catchy tune that stay in your head
If we listen to a song in the morning, we’ll mumble the lyrics of the song throughout the day. How often do we call this in English?
What do you think of Alan C. Lee: “Even if you’re not a logical candidate, you’re a good candidate!”
What is earworm? What is this song that stays stuck in your head like?
Music: an earworm is music that sticks in one’s mind even when it is not being played.
What are the best examples of what someone might say about this statement?
What is earworm? What is this song that stays stuck in your head like?
Music: an earworm is music that sticks in one’s mind even when it is not being played.
What are the best examples of what someone might say about this statement?