How do I know if my voice is louder, vibrating more, and becomes unclear at high volumes?
How do you describe a voice that gets louder, starts vibrating more, and becomes unclear at high volumes; some people get strange or bizarre reactions?
Do you say something like ‘it started trembling’ or ‘it began to crack ‘?
What is the most interesting thing about utrecht, a young woman?
The speakers are making a buzzing noise.
Buzz — Dictionary
noun 1. Is a low, vibrating, humming sound, as of bees, machinery, or people talking.
What is right or wrong with the Constitution of India?
Why is Hitler’s official oratorical style seen in this video? To my ear, these accord with the progression of the voice as stated by the OP and for which I would use the word frenzy or frenzied.
“A state or period of uncontrolled excitement” – Frenzy Oxford Dictionary. How to analyze Hitler’s speech?
Should I mean “feedback” When speakers turn up too high in a microphone and some users give you a loud ringing sound.
In an argument, a speaker was turned up so loud that all we could hear was feedback. ”
Alternative, a loudspeaker that’s permanently broken is called “blown-out”, as in “The speaker was blown out, so we couldn’t understand anything. ” ”
The key to the best world is in knowing where we are going as a world – one can certainly see better! “
For the voice, perhaps distorted
to change the natural, normal, or original shape, appearance, or sound of (something) in a way that is usually not attractive or pleasing .