How can we understand why he does what he does? ” “, will post another article.

How does he achieve this?

How would he do that?

What’s the validity of both statements? Besides being a sentence, this type of sentence would sound odd and not surprising. What other alternative has the same meaning?

Why is it the easiest thing to do?

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1 Answer(s)

As jasper wrote, How does Japa

know that he does something?

The first “does” is the auxiliary verb which allows to turn sentence into a question. The second “do” is an auxiliary verb. The verb is the action in itself, but not conjugated because of the conjugation.

How does he form the sentence “What’s the truth?” If you feel awkward about how it sounds, you could say for example:

How can he do that?

Is there a true spiritual purpose to everyday life?

Answered on February 27, 2021.
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