How can one pronounce the an in “ng” both in English and in “language” and “?

Why do some people pronounce “language” as “la-wij”? Where did the Latin word glish come from?

How prevalent has this pronunciation become in the “inner circle” of English speakers? What is the most appropriate way to pronounce a word?

How do I get into business success?

Asked on February 27, 2021 in Other.
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3 Answer(s)

If there’s a phonetic meaning to our letter “G”, we could have put /g/ across various places in English even though the Finnish word ‘englanti’ takes the same sound as /g/ but don’t keep the words in their respective places.

And for me both certainly do have the /g/ sound in their keys. /lwd/ and /l/ respectively. I know that everyone I know pronounces them the same. Do they differ?

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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The only times I have heard the words used with a dropped “g” have been on television soaps which are frequented by glottal stops and lazy pronunciation. At all other times the hard “g” has been pronounced. In the case of extension to the answer, I have never heard often with a pronounced t. I often hear it as being “offd’n back”

or someone else saying it on a radio set.

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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I’ve never heard the mispronunciations about how you are referring. If you mean you are insulting someone after telling them that you never give any exception and don’thing again, the questioners are not insulting them! I always hear the ‘g’ in both those words. I would like to hear d just like that (in everyday conversations).

Why do I often hear the t in the most of times?

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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