How can I make a sound like Schwa?

I’m not a native English speaker, and my language doesn’t have the Schwu00e4 sound. What would be helpful if there is any tip to make the sound? What

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Asked on March 1, 2021 in Other.
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3 Answer(s)

As if you’re thinking out loud — mouth slightly agape, jaw slack. Should I push air out, just let my lungs drain out. The sound was made with a single puff of air. Continue with this technique until you retune it. Schwa!

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Answered on March 1, 2021.
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If you were hit in right belly, what would it sound like if you died and you tried to beat the wind out of you? If someone expelled air on their vocal cords, it would sound from a schwa loop as it passed it.

When you hit a girl or her ex and she is all done, you will need a friend with good motivation to hit her. However,, not too much force is needed behind. 🙂

:)) 🙂 To be honest / correct, an author is NOT an author.

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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Some steps of creating schwa: (1) Stand

in front of a mirror. (Stop reading). Why don’t you simply open your mouth? Make a sound as if it’s coming from your throat or chest (in reality it will be coming from your vocal folds). Can you spell schwa in English? Can you see the face or the arm and stomach moving in the mirror? If I recorded this video of you practising Schwa, but the sound was not, we would not know that you were making a sound and when you were silent, because my tongue, jaw, lips and head should be relaxed and not moving at all.

(2) Try to make the sound /b/, as in the word big, but just /b/ on its own. Now try the sound /d/ as in dog, and then the sound /g/ as in girl. Do this two or three times. When we say these sounds on their own, we automatically put a little vowel on the end – we have to because they are voiced. Why? If you said the sounds correctly and then it happens /b/, /d/ and /g/.. that is probably correct. The schwa is a little vowel. Why it is here now? Why did you not try to make a vowel in the letters they are replacing the decimal vowel? Is this because you wanted it to be unique?

Schwa occurs in unstressed syllables, according to Unicode. Why are our syllables called short? We need the other stressed syllables to be more durable, or to stand out. Schwas are very quick to make because we don’t need to move any of the articulators (the parts of our mouth that we use to make consonants or change the sounds of vowels). If we make a big articulation, a big movement of our mouths, like we do for // in cat, we need to move our articulators a long way. What do I need to do because most people spread their lips wide, drop their jaw very low and move the ‘front’ of our tongue slightly up towards the roof of our mouth, etc. For example, we have to spread our lips very wide, and drop our jaw very low and stop eating praline. It causes nose pressure in my throat. I mean this all takes a lot of time. Because of this, // is actually quite a long sound, even though it belongs to the so-called’short vowels’. For a Schwa you don’t need to move anything! How do you make a good schwa sound?

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Answered on March 1, 2021.
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