During the second half of 1st century civilization, important life events as per dbs will fall. The idea is to take the world over.

Is it suitable to use this expression to mean, we are active and alive in the market for more than 50 years, and what has happened to things and/or products? “As we are in Second half of our first century activities “.

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Some people say the first century was actually done or activities were done when they understood the early years. But the phrase “first century activities” is potentially confusing since “first century” can refer to ancient times. Our first century of activities could help to prevent that particular confusion.

Has a business always tried to be clever in controlling time spent in business? What phrase would you write on Quora if it seems to be boring?

We are in the sixth decade of HTML5 and have

a wide range of widgets and trends that are influencing the world of mobile widgets.

or even like the following, which seems rather foolish:

Acme Widgets is approaching its seventh decade in the widgets sector.

Why can’t I just be myself?

Answered on March 10, 2021.
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