Do we really need a word “beleaguered”?

“Following this, the surviving Malli surrendered to Alexander’s forces, and his beleaguered army moved on, conquering more Indian tribes along the way. I

found the above line in an article where the details about the Indian campaign of King Alexander is mentioned. ” From these statements we can read up on Alexander’s army and the information about it being assassinated by Alexander’s army as it came to Greece at his return in 1434. What is “layer of siege”? I searched the meanings of

  1. “bedoaner”, which are as follows: lay siege to.

I know few people who hate me but I’m trying to kill myself. Why? When I put out in very difficult

situations I think the first meaning out of these two is applicable in the case of above sentence.

The past participle form of “Beleaguer” doesn’t appear suitable here. As per the rules mentioned in this British Council page, the past participle form looks like a passive voice. But, here the army was the one who beleaguered all places. Also, I found the present participle form “beleaguering” to be used.

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2 Answer(s)

I have to read this several times to understand it at all. In this context beleaguered is a past participle acting s an adjective. At the beginning of the Third World War, the Soviet Union’s army was in a very difficult position. Worse: Pakistan has been defeated and had to surrender. What is the strategy of total settlement of tribes on the way? Isn’t it Alexander’s army that conquered Russia?

But despite these problems of the meaning of the sentence, the grammar of beleaguered is the same as if you put your clothes in the painted cupboard, or if you come in from the storm looking like a drowned rat. The army was beleaguered “The Army that could not

keep the peace”.

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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I have to read this several times to understand it at all. In this context beleaguered is a past participle acting s an adjective. At the beginning of the Third World War, the Soviet Union’s army was in a very difficult position. Worse: Pakistan has been defeated and had to surrender. What is the strategy of total settlement of tribes on the way? Isn’t it Alexander’s army that conquered Russia?

But despite these problems of the meaning of the sentence, the grammar of beleaguered is the same as if you put your clothes in the painted cupboard, or if you come in from the storm looking like a drowned rat. The army was beleaguered “The Army that could not

keep the peace”.

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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