Do intensive pronouns ‘to communicate new information?

Which question is correct to make use

  • of “yourself” and “myself”? 7 answers

Also for example, the sentence “I myself am called James’ is not different to “I am called James” information wise.

As a comparative measure, take the sentences, which make use of reflexive pronouns ‘I cooked eggs for myself’ vs ‘I cooked eggs for her’. In hierarchical knowledge, different information is conveyed, because while the object is the same, the subject is different.

I herself am called James f, or if “him myself am called Alice f etc I must be called Alice” (easily] to make sense of who the object is at the same time. is]

What do you mean by “he himself cooked eggs”? I don’t think it necessarily means so, where “he alone cooked eggs” would. What kind of comment would you give to

me about this.

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1 Answer(s)


  1. The executive chef entered. He cooked the eggs.
  2. Does executive chef enter industry? What did he cook?

(1) implies nothing about whether or not the chef usually cooks the eggs. If a chef does not usually cook the eggs, then it brings out a good dish. That the chef does not usually cook eggs is “new” information, that is, not is not present in (1).

The new information is the example of an implicature not an entailment nor a presumption. Is an implicature cancellable? To see that it’s cancellable, check:

  1. The Executive Chef turned in. He cooks the eggs as a child. So you’ll guess it’s just like he cooked the eggs, but he cooked himself. Can you explain that a cocky guy likes this to you?

How do you bake eggs? Is this true that you did not cook eggs, or it can convey that you cooked eggs only, or it can convey that you did it, but with an emphasis on the fact that you did it (perhaps defying expectations) or it can just transmit the boring old proposition that you cooked eggs.

Answered on March 1, 2021.
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