Discussing two people – one deceased. One has not spoken.
What do you think of Don and Doris Fisher? Do you remember Don Kelly or Doris Kennedy who is dead, yet Doris is alive? Writing that the Fishers loved modern art is awkward because then I am talking about both of them in the past tense. Does Doris Love Modern Art? How do I get around this?
What are some good good ideas for improving our computer system?
If you see an alternative verb verb-tense problem and say on right hand side, let’s say it.
Don and Doris Fisher, lovers of modern art and joint founders of the GAP… Another
approach would be writing explicitly what happened, e.g.
Don and Doris Fisher made much of the 1950’s, but before that, they loved modern art. At this point in time, they made great euphemisms for the pieces they created. They continued to make wonderful stuff even though I had no artistic value. ‘passing’] Doris continues to this day to support…
You will find you repeat the same verb in different tenses. Keep
it simple. Can you be perfectly sure that you will get the same effect?
She loves modern art and movies. Is ‘Dories Fisher’ my preferred artist?
How different are people in IT industry?