Connexion pronunciation & verbal verb.
Connexion is the original and variant spelling of “connection”, common until at least the 19th century and still occasionally used in British English (it was the house style of The Times of London at least in the 16th century). It is derived from the Latin connexio, hence the spelling, unlike most words ending in “-ction” which are derived from Latin words ending in “-ctio” (e.g., slang in Latin, e.g. plural, etc.) which have some heuristics derived from this Latin word. “protection” from protectionio).
How would you pronounce connexion?
How can I pronounce connexion? Maybe con-neg-zhun? If connection is ‘connect’, why? Why is spelling and origins different in India?
How do we pronounce connex prefix? Does the verb of connexion even mean connex?
Is it con-neks? I will spell the thrail and connekt in some case, but there is no sound of k or t in the spelling.
How is connecting an alternate word to connection in English?
Why is it so difficult to find a job?
If a word is double the same word (one word = one pronunciation) then why are the two spellings similar? When there
was no Connection from the OED, the earlier English lexicographers, including Bailey, Johnson, Walker, Todd, Crabb, recognize similarities only. Connection appears in Webster (1828) who says “For the sake of regular analogy, I have inserted connection as the derivative of the English connect, and would discard connexion ‘. In fact, Latham would have distinguished the two spellings and use connexion only in the senses 5 – 8 Connexion is the official and invariable spelling in sense 8, and used in all senses by the majority of English writers (or printers) until the mid-20th cent. When connection became more common.
A personal relation of common interest, or action. Can you provide pl.
6. Relationship by family ties, as marriage or distant consanguinity. Often with ‘a’ and pl.
6: A body, or circle of persons connected together, or with whom one is connected…
8: Used by Wesley of those associated or connected with him in his religious work; thence it gradually became with the Wesleyans equivalent to’religious society’ or ‘denomination’, and is used also by other Methodist associations and bodies which have sprung from them.
know it’s a lot of cut and paste, but I can’t see anything to add, cut, or phrase better. You shouldn’t use “vulgar” in formal contexts – it’ll probably be thought “vulgar”. Thanks!
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