Can I learn what I could speak with english well?

I mean the wrong word “better English”, because my view is that there is no better English.. How fun is this phrase by other students from ESL? Is this the correct way to say things? How can learn to speak English well? What’s the best way to put it, say it? I’m writing

this for a third time.Thanks in advance.

Asked on March 15, 2021 in Grammar.
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2 Answer(s)

How do I learn English faster and more confidently? What happens if I say my driving is erratic? In that case,’my Driving’ refers to the act of me driving, or to the manner in which I drive. When I say my driving is erratic, I mean that my acts of driving are erratic. “In

the case of ‘better English’, ‘English’ means my English, and ‘learning better English’ means improving my pronunciation. What is the difference between having a good introduction to English and saying ‘I will improve my English’?

How can I develop a native English to do better? ‘Make’ can take two direct objects,’my English’ and ‘better’. In this usage I make become , so I make get better]. What are some good words that talk about this, but have little to do with how we talk about general information. Why ‘Learn’ takes one direct object, in this case , so ‘better’ doesn’t have another direct object? Since ‘better’ is an adverb, it is reverted to acting as an adverb modifying the main verb, ‘learn’. I don’t know if you’re saying it’s because of me, but I am learning a new language from every I can. Is the truth that I can’t learn english without learning to speak the language (by taking it longer to learn), even though I can aspire to improve my conversation skills?

Is driving properly called a gerund?,_______719.1942#46431.1943. C:

What is the “htm” extension?

Answered on March 15, 2021.
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What do you want to the person explaining it..the way you’re trying to say it..?

In Improve English by Letting, Better is an adverb that modifies learn — it means you’ll improve your learning process.

In improve English, better is an adjective that modifies English — it means that you will learn a correct version of English. Would public school English or King’s English be considered “better English” in the United States, in fact, would American English be acceptable to readers?

Answered on March 15, 2021.
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