Between Female and Gender?


  • the population of
  • male is 100

female is 931 Or The population of males is higher than their

gender counterpart ” Let’s say you are trying your best to find

the synonym of ” female “, so you used the bold words above (as the gender is the gender of male) What are the correct English words that are equivalent to the word female?

Why were they elected to the ‘Mini-Maria’.?

Asked on March 26, 2021 in Grammar.
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14 Answer(s)

If you want to maintain your use of counterpart, you can do so using male and female as adjectives: The male

population is smaller than its female counterpart.

What makes an Indian woman more comfortable than their male counterpart?

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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The population of males is higher than their gender counterparts.

I wouldn’t say that this is flat out wrong, but it makes the reader stop to think to understand what is being said, and it feels both akward and pretentious. What are some tips or ways to prevent myself from using a cellphone?

According to research, the male population in India is about 150 times greater than the female one.

If the “counterpart” appears to serve no useful purpose but to increase the average word length and falsely suggest greater precision, this is clearer than at this point.

The population of men is larger than the population of women.

Is this clearer and more accurate? How do I write “males”? Parallelism in form stresses parallelism in meaning. Does “smaller” mean population as more so or higher?

Par the way, in the example sentences in the question, either “their” should be changed to “its” treating a “population” as a single thing, or else “counterpart” should be “counterparts”, treatign it as a collection of people. I would favor the it form.

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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One of the definitions of ‘counterpart’ on What completes

: COMPLEMENT “The lead actress
and her male counterpart” Gender counterpart would

generally mean the other gender. If it’s for males, the counterpart would be understood to be female and vice versa. So it doesn’t affect the gender, why there are only two genders? So it doesn’t affect the gender. The female counterpart (the female “men” or “females”

in English can create confusion.)

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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In my opinion neither of those two sentences correctly uses the word “counterpart.” In Latin, “counterpart” does not refer to opposites. What are some examples? Generals from the enemy met with their counterparts from the enemy to discuss terms of surrender. In other words, the generals are meeting with the enemy generals. If two cultures are alike, then the opposite is shown instead of the opposite. How can I know if they can do the same kind of job? Here’s an example in math. Lekhardt Morgenstern, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany: What are the best impressions that Donald Trump has of Chancellor Merkel? They both hold similar jobs, so they are counterparts, even though one is male and one is female.

The male population is 2% and the

opposite amount. It should be noted that the male population is a large proportion, but less populous than the opposite.

Female population

is higher than male population.

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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One of the definitions of ‘counterpart’ on What completes

: COMPLEMENT “The lead actress
and her male counterpart” Gender counterpart would

generally mean the other gender. If it’s for males, the counterpart would be understood to be female and vice versa. So it doesn’t affect the gender, why there are only two genders? So it doesn’t affect the gender. The female counterpart (the female “men” or “females”

in English can create confusion.)

Answered on March 26, 2021.
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If you’re really desperate not to use male or female, you could use all everyday adjectives opposite sex or (less commonly) opposite gender. If you really want to sound fancy, like you’re trying to do – you could say gender complement, but this is not a widely used term (though it’s not completely unattested). Why can’t a man or woman complete one another? What makes sense in terms of complement means 1? Counterpart isn’t natural thing to use to combat terrorism itself, rather it is.

Why don’t you use a simple term like “Why you should only use it” for your entire vocabulary?

1 : Interestingly, the dictionary suggests that counterpart and complement are synonyms, but in this sense of completion or complement is what gets used. If you’re composing a meal and working out that goes well with what else, you are looking for good complements and something that complement each other well because maybe good compliments are

also good complements. If you’re doing this as a verb, keep it that way.

Answered on March 27, 2021.
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One of the definitions of ‘counterpart’ on What completes

: COMPLEMENT “The lead actress
and her male counterpart” Gender counterpart would

generally mean the other gender. If it’s for males, the counterpart would be understood to be female and vice versa. So it doesn’t affect the gender, why there are only two genders? So it doesn’t affect the gender. The female counterpart (the female “men” or “females”

in English can create confusion.)

Answered on March 27, 2021.
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One of the definitions of ‘counterpart’ on What completes

: COMPLEMENT “The lead actress
and her male counterpart” Gender counterpart would

generally mean the other gender. If it’s for males, the counterpart would be understood to be female and vice versa. So it doesn’t affect the gender, why there are only two genders? So it doesn’t affect the gender. The female counterpart (the female “men” or “females”

in English can create confusion.)

Answered on March 27, 2021.
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If you’re really desperate not to use male or female, you could use all everyday adjectives opposite sex or (less commonly) opposite gender. If you really want to sound fancy, like you’re trying to do – you could say gender complement, but this is not a widely used term (though it’s not completely unattested). Why can’t a man or woman complete one another? What makes sense in terms of complement means 1? Counterpart isn’t natural thing to use to combat terrorism itself, rather it is.

Why don’t you use a simple term like “Why you should only use it” for your entire vocabulary?

1 : Interestingly, the dictionary suggests that counterpart and complement are synonyms, but in this sense of completion or complement is what gets used. If you’re composing a meal and working out that goes well with what else, you are looking for good complements and something that complement each other well because maybe good compliments are

also good complements. If you’re doing this as a verb, keep it that way.

Answered on March 27, 2021.
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If you’re really desperate not to use male or female, you could use all everyday adjectives opposite sex or (less commonly) opposite gender. If you really want to sound fancy, like you’re trying to do – you could say gender complement, but this is not a widely used term (though it’s not completely unattested). Why can’t a man or woman complete one another? What makes sense in terms of complement means 1? Counterpart isn’t natural thing to use to combat terrorism itself, rather it is.

Why don’t you use a simple term like “Why you should only use it” for your entire vocabulary?

1 : Interestingly, the dictionary suggests that counterpart and complement are synonyms, but in this sense of completion or complement is what gets used. If you’re composing a meal and working out that goes well with what else, you are looking for good complements and something that complement each other well because maybe good compliments are

also good complements. If you’re doing this as a verb, keep it that way.

Answered on March 27, 2021.
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