"Alternative to actionable?"
"In managementese, \"actionable\" means \"able to be acted upon\"." "Is there a more natural meaning of giving a suitable reason to take legal action in legalese?" "I’m looking for a better alternative to the managementese meaning that doesn’t have the unfortunate associations but still has good Sexy Buzzword Value; help?" "Example sentence per request: \"This has become one of our actionable items. I will start training soon.\"" "\" Another, related meaning that’s within the range of what I’m looking for is able to be actively used." "To illustrate, the best alternative to actionable that we’ve come up with in the original context are deployable."
"First idea: My first idea has become one of our predicates." "one… This has now become one of our engagements."
"I currently say an item is \"unblocked\" or \"blocked\". I know!" "How do I unblock X?" "What is blocking Y?" "Is there too much blocking/blocking in a computer?" "This may work especially well in my field because the term \"blocking\" means in software development almost what \"un-actionable\" means in managementese." "(apologies for my ignorance) – I wondered the same thing as you, but my motivations were different than yours?" "I hate management speak for the reason @ghoppe stated – they are often an artificial cluster of meaningless words to pretentiously avoid simplicity (ok I said it much stronger )" "I will never forget when my non-Native English speaking friend laughed when she heard, \"So now what you are going to want to do here is X\" instead of simply \"X\"." "Not management speak, but illustrates what lengths we’re willing to take just to use more syllables." "For a typical corporate phrase that many in the office like \"In X’s court\"?" "Is the task in our court?" "Are \"is progress of the task currently our responsibility?" "If you answer \"no\", you don’t necessarily imply that it’s anyone else’s responsibility either." "Is it actionable in general or not?"
"I think, like many \"managementese\" buzzwords, \"actionable item\" is pretty much devoid of informational content." "I would find a more descriptive word milestone, objective, task, or perhaps target and specifically describe the nature of the \"item\" and why it is \"actionable\". I would also find a further descriptive word milestone, objective, or a month, or, possibly, a month, or perhaps and perhaps I could type a description to help." "As we know, this is now one of our primary objectives." "Or This has become a task that needs to be completed first."
"I suggest taskable, so help me." "Although it is commonly used to mean \"can have tasks assigned to\" the meaning of \"can be assigned as a task\" is not too much of a stretch." "Other possibilities (of varying quality, not listed in answers so far) include targetable, realizable, resolvable, shovel ready, work ready, assignable, energizable."
"How about using these actions as action items?" "\" It’s just as jargon-y, and anybody who would understand \"actionable item\" will grasp \"action item\"." "I figure this is an extension of my rule not use a long word when a shorter one will do (\"use\" instead of \"utilize\")."
"I agree this is a hard term to identify due to the overlap between business and legal meaning." "Here’s a few tries: ‘follow up’-able / proceed-able \— Things in a state that allows action." "What are the things that are actually things that can be done?" "I’d recommend \"working\", and \"foresight\". If given a sample sentence, it’s a very high score."
"An improvable item Augmentable Progressable Advances Progress Exceptions"
"How about using these actions as action items?" "\" It’s just as jargon-y, and anybody who would understand \"actionable item\" will grasp \"action item\"." "I figure this is an extension of my rule not use a long word when a shorter one will do (\"use\" instead of \"utilize\")."
"Implementable. How about Effectuate?" "Is Encommission an option for government employees?" "Provide a concrete use case for Implementable is a probable choice." "To implement means to put into action." "Effectuate has the same meaning as ‘bring about’ or ‘bring into effect’." "As an unofficial buzzword, encommision is a legitimate word, but a ring of a buzzword: after all, buzzwords have to be coined some time." "Is commission a verb when used as a sentence?"
"Implementable. How about Effectuate?" "Is Encommission an option for government employees?" "Provide a concrete use case for Implementable is a probable choice." "To implement means to put into action." "Effectuate has the same meaning as ‘bring about’ or ‘bring into effect’." "As an unofficial buzzword, encommision is a legitimate word, but a ring of a buzzword: after all, buzzwords have to be coined some time." "Is commission a verb when used as a sentence?"