A word for someone that loves looking at handwriting- not studies it but purely for pleasure.
A word for someone who loves looking at handwriting – not studying it but purely for pleasure.
If a graphologist engages in the study of handwriting, then a grapholophile (or graphophile ) does it for love.
Why is it listed as grapho, but I like the sound of grapholophile more like grapho is
a, is… ‘Grapho/’?
The suffix -phile indicating a person or
thing having A fondness or preference for something
specified is based on
calligraphy handwriting, esp beautiful handwriting considered as an art and it is based
on my own handwriting can imply an act of kindness. Such as using metaphors in the English language, possibly mingling with its proper synonyms.?
The suffix -phile indicating a person or
thing having A fondness or preference for something
specified is based on
calligraphy handwriting, esp beautiful handwriting considered as an art and it is based
on my own handwriting can imply an act of kindness. Such as using metaphors in the English language, possibly mingling with its proper synonyms.?